Monday, May 3, 2010

Trimester 1- Furniture design-build

Greetings all-

I've just gotten done with a productive day here at the new place in Oakland! After taking care of some administrative stuff, I went out to a local car washing place to have the salt removed from my car. The guys took serious care- it took nearly three hours, but by the time they were done it was as clean as the day I bought it.

After fast food for lunch, I thought, enough is enough- I need some real food. So I went to the local grocery, and came home with some food with things like vitamins and minerals!

Haven't done a whole lot of actual designing, so to speak, but I have been building more. As you can see, my shop has grown two new work tables.

The taller tables are not quite flush with the miter saw deck, which is my intent, so tomorrow I'm going to have to do some leveling and sanding.

My plan in all this is to focus on different areas of product design- get neck deep into it in something like four month blocks. For example right now I've started into furniture design and fabrication. The choice on this one was almost entirely need-based as I have almost no furniture save for the work tables. I'll spend the early part of each week researching and sketching, conceptualizing and testing, and then spend the rest of the week fabricating. Hopefully after four months of this, I'll be a little more adept. As you can see, these work benches are not complicated nor particularly well-made, but I've already learned a bit about tables from them that I can use toward my next table.

I will start the designing for my next project, the futon, early, as I expect many complications and mistakes.

Oh and my shipment of stuff will be coming in tomorrow!

More to come- stay tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoying the updates :)